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Lindt launch kids half-term PJ Day!

Our friends over at Lindt chocolate have been busy in the background creating a brand new figure to its line-up of chocolate characters.  Not only major news for chocoholics across the globe, but children everywhere will sit up and take notice of the new Lindt teddy in pyjamas. 

Lindt’s chocolate characters have become iconic since they produced their very first chocolate Gold Bunny in 1952.

To help celebrate the launch, Lindt is holding a special Pyjama Day being staged across the company’s 20 regional UK & Ireland stores this coming half term.

Every child who visits a Lindt chocolate shop in their pyjamas on Wednesday 28th October will receive a free chocolate Teddy dressed in Pyjamas. Visitors will also get an exclusive first peek at the 2020 Christmas range which is set to include a 100g Teddy, a 100g Reindeer, a 200g Teddy in a Christmas jumper, a NEW 125g Santa (in white chocolate) and the new 40g Teddy Pyjamas.

All will be available in Lindt’s 20 UK & Ireland stores, which have all been adapted and updated to feature the very latest in anti-pandemic safety features and technology. 

For more information or for the online store visit and also follow on Facebook or Instagram.