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Concern for education regression

After six months of home schooling for many of the nation’s families, worryingly, almost six in ten parents believe their child has regressed academically over the course of this year.

As millions of children returned back to full time education this month, a new poll of parents suggests the extent to which parents fears highlight the effect of missing so much of the academic year.

Despite the best efforts of hard pushed parents to home-school, in a survey conducted by LeapFrog education toy brand, 45% said their child had lost out on their overall education, and 44% reported they found it hard to keep their child focussed on school work in the home environment. 

In fact, 45% say their child’s handwriting has deteriorated and a further 44% claim their child’s spelling had got worse, according to the findings. 

According to the survey, of 1,000 parents with children between the ages of two and seven, nearly half of parents (49%) felt that their child’s social skills have also suffered away from the school and nursery environment.

Overall, 41% of parents have major concerns that their child is now academically behind where they need to be during this term.  

LeapFrog conducted the survey to gain a better insight into the concerns from parents in relation to their children’s education as they review their current educational offering to families. Offering lots of free online resources, LeapFrog have seen a demand for more home-based learning products.

The LeapFrog LeapStart is a great product that complements the school curriculum.  The interactive learning system is aimed at children from 2-7 years and is recommended by 97% of teachers.

With over 30 activity books available, children can learn a variety of subjects including maths, science, reading and writing, making learning at home both educational and fun.  

Mike Lynch, Senior Brand Manager at LeapFrog, who commissioned the survey commented: “It is unsurprising to see that our research indicates the majority of parents surveyed feel their children may have regressed academically during the closure of nurseries, pre-schools and primary schools this year. Despite parents’ best efforts, home schooling can be challenging. 

At LeapFrog, we are passionate about supporting children’s learning and development in the early years. Our LeapStart interactive learning system engages children through colourful, imaginative activity books, complete with a magic stylus that triggers audio. Designed to build key skills such as counting, problem solving, reading and writing, the LeapStart is an essential home learning tool.” 

For more information on LeapFrog’s educational products, visit