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WIN! Snüz baby bundle!

March is Sleep Awareness Month and this Friday is World Sleep Day – that’s a lot of sleep action in one week! So whether you’re getting some, not getting some, or getting a little, sleep is a huge topic whenever you add a child into the mix.

Sleep deprivation plays havoc with the ability to be mentally and emotionally on top of your game, and with a newborn it’s so important to not let the tiredness overtake. 

Snüz baby brand has launched a special Sleep Support Month campaign to give parents a helping hand throughout March.  A programme of live events is set to provide handy hints, tips and encouragement to parents struggling to effectively ensure the whole house ‘sleeps like a baby!’

Check out Snüz’s Instagram IGTV for a fab lineup of all-hours expert help and informal chat sessions with influencers taking place all this month.


To promote and help parents that are struggling to get their baby to sleep, we have teamed up with our friends over at Snüz to giveaway a bundle that includes a SnüzPouch and SnüzCloud worth £60!


This baby sleeping bag has an innovative design that is perfect for minimal disruption for midnight nappy changes. The lower half-moon zip opening provides direct access to the nappy area enabling subtle and less disruptive changes when the occasion arises. The sleeping bag itself is beautifully soft thanks to the 100% cotton design and is available in a range of sizes and togs for a comfortable fit.


This all singing and dancing snuggly-soft cute cloud combines all the sound and light options to find the perfect combination for your baby. Featuring quality lullabies, waterfalls, heartbeat and the aptly named ‘pink noise’ that babies hear in the womb, it’s a great option if you’re still trying to pinpoint the sound that will best support with promoting natural sleep. The two soft light options are ideal for calming and soothing baby into a slumber.

To win your very own SnüzPouch and SnüzCloud, visit the Inspired Family Instagram. Competition closes at midnight on Sunday 21st March. Good luck!

For more information on Snüzand the Sleep Support Month, visit the Snuz Sleep Centre.

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